Never really liked journals
I never really liked journals. I never really enjoyed writing my thoughts and my experiences after a long day or after a long week. For me, writing (and keeping a journal) was really not a relaxing and a therapeutic activity. Being the lazy person that I am, I would rather spend my leisure time on more fun and less cerebral activities, since school and work already involve so much thinking and writing (akala niyo lang masipag ako, pero hinde! hinde! hinde!) I figure out that my brain deserves a rest when I have free time. So watching movies and doing fun stuff were always in my to-do list when I have the time. The only time I write at home is when I have the urge and strong feeling to write about a certain topic, which I can't drop.
I still remember the times when I was “forced” to write and keep a journal, most of them in high school. Miss Pontillas, my Christian Living teacher in first year high school required us to record our daily activities in a journal and end each entry with a prayer (hey, my teacher was that creative to be able to justify her making us write a journal). Before JK Rowling thought of Tom Marvolo Riddle’s (the future Lord Voldemort) diary, a diary which writes you back, my Filipino teacher Miss Buban already thought about it in high school. In my third year, Miss Buban made us keep a journal to hone our skills in writing in Filipino. I found it so funny, when she would always comment, give advice and react to whatever I have written in my journal (she checked our journals weekly). So the journal wrote back to me. My English teacher Miss Valeza, I think, made us write one too. Being my lazy self, I still remember making up some stories every time the submission of journal approaches. Mamatay na ang magsumbong! Hey, they were asking us to write daily! And how can you expect someone from high school to have such an interesting life worthy of being recorded in a journal!!! Bahay-Eskuwela-Bahay o Bahay-Jollibee/Dunkin Donuts/7/11-Bahay lang ang buhay ko noon! I think that dairy/journal thing was our teachers’ way of knowing our personal lives and what we were up to!
My friend Maj introduced me to the idea of blogging two to three years ago. But blogging was not that interesting or enticing to me then. And until now, I still have qualms about creating and maintaining one. Firstly, I am already maintaining four or five email accounts. For sentimental reasons, I could not drop my email account in hotmail, not only because of my account’s name (hehehe-the sexiest…) but also because it was my first ever email account. Secondly, I am also maintaining an account in Peyups.Com, basically a forum for UP students and alumni. And I am bent on acquiring the “Lord of the Threads” status in the forum (Peyups Addict pa lang ako). This still does not include the accounts that I keep in, Birthday and Thirdly, I just feel that I have placed too much information about my self in the Internet for the whole world to see and know. I mean I could possible wake up one day, and learn that I already have a sex video, just because some computer-savvy dude had used and altered my pictures and made them move. (not that I don’t like it…but it might fall in the wrong hands and use it against me…hahaha). Or some supranational organization is already keeping track of us (okay, this is paranoia). I remember a classmate who did a book review on “The Next War Zone”, telling that future wars are going to be waged with the use of computers. Not that bright, eh.
But for the lack of productive things to do, I decided to take advantage (trix's term) of our office’s Internet access and give blogging a try, just to keep friends posted on the latest things about me and my life. And since there will be no teacher to check and read every entry, I have total freedom with this blog- when I want to post and what I want to post. Well, this seems a rather long first entry for someone who does not want to blog, and I got to sign off now. And since I’m just a newbie, don’t expect something spectacular in my blog site. I admit that I'm a HTML dummy. I’m still having a hard time in adjusting the color, template and design of my blog site. I'm still experimenting! hehe
I still remember the times when I was “forced” to write and keep a journal, most of them in high school. Miss Pontillas, my Christian Living teacher in first year high school required us to record our daily activities in a journal and end each entry with a prayer (hey, my teacher was that creative to be able to justify her making us write a journal). Before JK Rowling thought of Tom Marvolo Riddle’s (the future Lord Voldemort) diary, a diary which writes you back, my Filipino teacher Miss Buban already thought about it in high school. In my third year, Miss Buban made us keep a journal to hone our skills in writing in Filipino. I found it so funny, when she would always comment, give advice and react to whatever I have written in my journal (she checked our journals weekly). So the journal wrote back to me. My English teacher Miss Valeza, I think, made us write one too. Being my lazy self, I still remember making up some stories every time the submission of journal approaches. Mamatay na ang magsumbong! Hey, they were asking us to write daily! And how can you expect someone from high school to have such an interesting life worthy of being recorded in a journal!!! Bahay-Eskuwela-Bahay o Bahay-Jollibee/Dunkin Donuts/7/11-Bahay lang ang buhay ko noon! I think that dairy/journal thing was our teachers’ way of knowing our personal lives and what we were up to!
My friend Maj introduced me to the idea of blogging two to three years ago. But blogging was not that interesting or enticing to me then. And until now, I still have qualms about creating and maintaining one. Firstly, I am already maintaining four or five email accounts. For sentimental reasons, I could not drop my email account in hotmail, not only because of my account’s name (hehehe-the sexiest…) but also because it was my first ever email account. Secondly, I am also maintaining an account in Peyups.Com, basically a forum for UP students and alumni. And I am bent on acquiring the “Lord of the Threads” status in the forum (Peyups Addict pa lang ako). This still does not include the accounts that I keep in, Birthday and Thirdly, I just feel that I have placed too much information about my self in the Internet for the whole world to see and know. I mean I could possible wake up one day, and learn that I already have a sex video, just because some computer-savvy dude had used and altered my pictures and made them move. (not that I don’t like it…but it might fall in the wrong hands and use it against me…hahaha). Or some supranational organization is already keeping track of us (okay, this is paranoia). I remember a classmate who did a book review on “The Next War Zone”, telling that future wars are going to be waged with the use of computers. Not that bright, eh.
But for the lack of productive things to do, I decided to take advantage (trix's term) of our office’s Internet access and give blogging a try, just to keep friends posted on the latest things about me and my life. And since there will be no teacher to check and read every entry, I have total freedom with this blog- when I want to post and what I want to post. Well, this seems a rather long first entry for someone who does not want to blog, and I got to sign off now. And since I’m just a newbie, don’t expect something spectacular in my blog site. I admit that I'm a HTML dummy. I’m still having a hard time in adjusting the color, template and design of my blog site. I'm still experimenting! hehe
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